Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bukan Iklan Skim Cepat Kaya:)

ANDA semua mst nk jadi KAYA dgn cpt lagi SENANG kn
xpyh susah2 nk masuk SKIM CEPAT KAYA pun
dok kt umah rilek pn bley dpt duet pny ar
 sbb anda bley buat BERLIAN dgn hny guna microvave ja!!!
saya anda video menarik utk anda
jadi tgklah
sure EXCITED ar.....

p\s:dah kaya nnt.share ar sikit noe.HAHA

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

adakah ini seni?

LADY GAGA bwat benda pelik lagi
nk lebih pasti bnda pa yg dia bwat
tgk ar VIDEO kt bawah ni....

p\s:im speechless=.="

Monday, February 14, 2011

to naruto fans:)

mesti anda semua tertanya-tanyakn dgn muka anda yg blur=.="

apa mksud  dlm 'hand sign' dlm ceta naruto tu kn

alaa,tyme depa nk bwat jutsu tu la

ada mksud oo sign-sign tu semua

igt saja-saja ka depa bwat


tgk ar mksd sign tu kt ATAS nie=)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Tudia status!!

I'm back...........!!!
kat  BAWAH ni
ada lah sedutan status facebook yg UNIK:D
enjoy it!!

tak masuk akal =.="

sebelum saya 'start' menulis......

cita 'hot stuff' nie saya amik dari dlm paper ja.

terasa TERUJA dan EXCITED plak time baca cerita nie.

jadi i take this oppurtinity to post this :D

*saya malas nak translate story nie:(


It looks like a cross between Noah's Ark and something out of a 1970s science-fiction film.
The futuristic Ark Hotel has been designed to withstand floods caused by rising sea levels.

The floating behemoth is a 'biosphere' conceived as a safe, self-contained haven in case of disaster.

Boasting a green, self-sustaining environment for guests, the shell-shaped hotel would withstand tidal waves and other natural disasters.(masyuk beb!!)
Futuristic: The Ark Hotel has been designed to withstand floods caused by rising sea levels, boasts a green, self-sustaining environment for guests, and would withstand tidal waves and other natural disasters
Futuristic: The Ark Hotel has been designed to withstand floods caused by rising sea levels, boasts a green, self-sustaining environment for guests, and would withstand tidal waves and other natural disasters(gila futuristik kot)

Architects say the Ark's shell-like construction of arches and cables evenly distribute weight so it is also invulnerable to earthquakes.

The design uses solar panels and a rainwater collection system to provide inhabitants with power and water.

The greenhouse-like environment also provides for lush vegetation to help with air quality and provide food sources.
Because of the see-through structure enough daylight is filtered through internal rooms to reduce the need for lighting.
And to ensure quality of light, the frame is protected with a self-cleaning layer.(wth?)
Biosphere: The design, which uses solar panels and a rainwater collection system to provide inhabitants with power and water, can be adapted to work on both land and water
Biosphere: The design, which uses solar panels and a rainwater collection system to provide inhabitants with 
 power and water, can be adapted to work on both land and water(FUYOO!!)
At sea: The see-through structure allows enough daylight to be filtered through to reduce the need for lighting
At sea: The see-through structure allows enough daylight to be filtered through to reduce the need for lighting

The Ark has been designed by Russian firm Remistudio with the assistance of the International Union of Architects' program Architecture For Disaster Relief.

Alexander Remizov, of Remistudio, said: 'For architecture there are two major concerns.

'The first is maintenance of security and precautions against extreme environmental conditions and climate changes. The second one is protection of natural environment from human activities.

'The Ark is an attempt to answer the challenges of our time.

'Provision is made for an independent life support system.
'All the plants are chosen according to compatibility, illumination and efficiency of oxygen producing, and with the aim of creating an attractive and comfort space.

'Through the transparent roof there is enough light for plants and for illuminating the inner rooms.'(siap boley tanam pokok tu)

Eco-zone: The Ark has been designed by Russian firm Remistudio with the assistance of the International Union of Architects' program Architecture For Disaster Relief

p\s:nak tnya something.BENCANA dari ALLAH kita boleh lari ka?pikir-pikirkan lah:)
Kansas City Library

Perpustakaan ini memiliki dinding yang unik lagi pelik tetapi tetap COOL dari perpustakaan-perpustakaan lain di seantero dunia!! Bangunan ini memiliki 22 buku raksasa(OMG!) yang dibina sepanjang jalan 10th Street, Kansas.

p/s:hope u all ENJOY!!

Kereta Kebal Rusia masa Cold War

Obyekt 279 (object 279) ialah prototaip kereta kebal Rusia yang dibina pada tahun 1959. Ia merupakan kereta kebal heavyweight dengan berat 59 tan. Apa yang uniknya dengan O279 ialah rekaan runut (roda rantai) kereta kebal ini. Cuba tengok rekaan 4 runutnya. Ini ialah untuk memudahkan penyebaran berat kereta kebal ini kepermukaan tanah(teringat blajaq fizik dulu). O279 ialah sebuah kereta kebal yang sungguh berat jika dibandingkan dengan kereta kebal yang wujud sekarang. Sebagai perbandingan kerata kebal PT-91 milik Angkatan Tentera Malaysia hanya seberat 46 tan.
p\s:serius unik bentuk dya:)

Tarikh pembinaan: 1959.Berat: 60 tan metrik(beratnya=.=)
Armor: 305 mm (turret) 269 mm (badan hadapan).
Meriam Utama: 130 mm 60 caliber M-65 rifled cannon.
Kecepatan tembakan: 5-7 peluru seminit
Sistem pengisian: semi-auto
Mesingan: 14.5 KPVT mesingan
Senjatat: 24 peluru meriam dan 300 peluru mesingan
Enjin: 2DG-8M atau DG-1000.
Kuasa kuda: 1050 hp or 950 hp.
Kelajuan maksimum: 55 km/j.
Jarak operasi: 300 km.

Anak kapal: 4 (commander, gunner, driver, loader).

Leaning Tower Of Abu Dhabi

 Ini ialah Menara Capital Gate yang bakal dibuka di Abu Dhabi tahun ini. Bangunan setinggi 35 tingkat (160 meter) ini sengaja dibina condong(gila pelik=.=') seperti Menara Condong Pisa .Dan yg paling DAHSYAT ialah Menara Capital Gate menyondong sebanyak 18 darjah, yakni hampir 5 kali ganda kecondongan Menara Pisa.

Menara ini bakal menempatkan sebuah hotel 5 bintang dan ruang pejabat. Condongan manara ini bermula di tingkat ke 12 secara berperingkat-peringkat.Serius xmasuk akal beb.Org dok sebok bina xmaw bg bangunan senget.Dey all bina bgunan senget.DAHSYAT!


aku sbnrnya bosan dok rumah
jd aku pun bwatlah BLOG nie
aku xtaw nk post pa kt blog nie
nak cerita pasal diri sendiri
rasa SILLY plak
baik aku ceta bnda2 yg best yg ada di keliling kita =)